Mahopac Artist, Annette, finds a home with her husband on House Hunters. This HGTV episode is set in the Hudson Valley.
Annette and her husband had a great opportunity to film on HGTV’s House Hunters. It was several days of filming with a really nice crew. We really enjoyed our time filming, but had no idea how much went into filming, including the taping of mics, making sure everyone and everything (AKA fridge, AC/Heat etc) were all off and more!
During the filming Annette’s art studio and art were filmed and featured. Live air date is September 25th at 10pm EST. After this date, you can find it online. (And no, I won’t tell you any secrets!!!) 🙂
House Hunters Episode Details
📷Mahopac Locations and Details from filming
📷Artist Studio
📷Shots from Filming: